Home Malware Programs Trojans JS/URNTONE.D


Posted: October 21, 2013

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 37
First Seen: October 21, 2013
Last Seen: February 12, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

JS/URNTONE.D is part of a family of JavaScript-based PC threats that usually are hosted on corrupted sites for the purpose of installing threats onto your computer automatically. Because the drive-by-download attacks of JS/URNTONE.D are not necessarily visible, passive use of anti-malware protection, browser security and overall safe Web-surfing habits all should be considered necessary for preventing JS/URNTONE.D from succeeding in its attacks. JS/URNTONE.D's payload isn't hard-coded and may consist of any number of formats of unreliable software, all of which SpywareRemove.com malware experts suggest removing with dedicated anti-malware tools whenever applicable.

JS/URNTONE.D: the JavaScript that Stuffs Your Browser's Security into an Urn

JS/URNTONE.D just is one of many members of a group of Web-based PC threats that use JavaScript as an easy means for compromising arbitrary PCs. Distribution methods for the Urntone family have yet to be confirmed, although there have been PC threats identical to JS/URNTONE.D in distribution through spam e-mail and hacked Taiwanese domains. In many cases, JS/URNTONE.D may be leveraged as part of a campaign against a specific organization or individual, but JS/URNTONE.D also is just as effective against random targets.

JS/URNTONE.D's JavaScript attacks exploit vulnerabilities in that platform allow for the attacker to run arbitrary code; almost all such attacks are launched to install threats. Examples of payloads that may be installed by JS/URNTONE.D attacks include banking Trojans, keyloggers, USB device-traversing worms and rootkits. Malware experts recommend updating JavaScript, disabling it when it's not required and having a reliable anti-malware product as protection against JS/URNTONE.D. You also can avoid JS/URNTONE.D's attacks by keeping JavaScript uninstalled – although this may cause you some problems with loading some JavaScript-heavy websites.

Sounding the Tone of a Danger-Free Browsing Experience

A crucial part of protecting your browser from JS/URNTONE.D is the realization that JS/URNTONE.D's attacks don't have to show any symptoms that they're occurring. Without anti-malware applications available to block it, JS/URNTONE.D is free to proceed with installing whatever threats JS/URNTONE.D is configured to distribute. Malware experts rate the security risks involved in exposure to JS/URNTONE.D as being severe, based on the potential payloads that JS/URNTONE.D may distribute, as well as its similarity to old attacks that often involved high-level PC threats like Trojan Zeus.

JS/URNTONE.D and the rest of its family also is quite new, being identified in the middle of 2013. If you do need to protect your PC from a potential brush with JS/URNTONE.D, SpywareRemove.com malware experts consider it smart to update your anti-malware products, which will help them detect JS/URNTONE.D and other members of the Urntone family with as much accuracy as is possible. An outdated security program may be unable to detect JS/URNTONE.D or remove its payload, which, like JS/URNTONE.D, does not have to show symptoms while attacking your computer.
