Home Possibly Unwanted Program JustMineIt


Posted: March 22, 2018

JustMineIt is a browser add-on, which promises to provide users with a convenient tool that can turn their Web browser into a cryptocurrency miner, which will generate money for them. Malware researchers have identified JustMineIt as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) and reported that it might not always use all of the computer’s resources to mine for the crypto wallets of the user – it might also use some of the hardware available to mine for the wallets of JustMineIt’s authors. While this is not unsafe, it is certainly not user-friendly, and if you wish to get involved in cryptocurrency, then you should know that there are countless open-source miners that will not trick you by using your hardware to mine for 3rd-parties.

JustMineIt is likely to carry out the mining activities by injecting a JavaScript code in all loaded pages. This is likely to cause performance issues, and some pages might not load properly, especially for users with outdated computer hardware. If you’ve installed the JustMineIt, we suggest that you remove it since it is certainly not a trustworthy application when it comes to cryptocurrency mining.
