Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Kozanekozasearchsystem.com


Posted: December 5, 2011

Kozanekozasearchsystem.com is a fake search engine as well as a partner with certain types of web browser hijackers that redirect the browser to Kozanekozasearchsystem.com without consent. The stand-out symptoms of infection by Kozanekozasearchsystem.com-affiliated browser hijackers are redirects to Kozanekozasearchsystem.com after you attempt to use a search engine or another type of popular site (such as Wikipedia). Along with this outright interference of web-surfing activities, SpywareRemove.com malware experts note that Kozanekozasearchsystem.com is also dangerous due to its presentation of partner websites for search results. Results from Kozanekozasearchsystem.com are unlikely to be safe for your PC or even relevant to your queries, and it's suggested that you use appropriate anti-malware software to remove a browser hijacker for Kozanekozasearchsystem.com as soon as you notice signs of Kozanekozasearchsystem.com redirect attacks.

Kozanekozasearchsystem.com – An Obscure Re-Release of a Loud E-Hoax

Other than its unusual name, Kozanekozasearchsystem.com doesn't do anything to distinguish itself from other types of fraudulent search websites that use the same type of scam. Kozanekozasearchsystem.com's appearance may look innocent enough, but any attempts to use its search feature will redirect you to sites that can attack your PC with phishing attempts or drive-by-download scripts. Because there's nothing that Kozanekozasearchsystem.com can provide that makes it worth using as a search engine, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts discourage any interaction with Kozanekozasearchsystem.com even if you do accidentally find yourself on that site.

Kozanekozasearchsystem.com can also be considered a clone of other *searchsystem.com websites that use the same type of hoax; these sites are distinguishable, for the most part, only by having different phrases in the first segment of their URLs. Examples of Kozanekozasearchsystem.com's relatives include Crackajacksearchsystem.com, Somesearchsystem.com, Rattlingsearchsystem.com, Raresearchsystem.com, Wickedsearchsystem.com and Nailingsearchsystem.com. You should consider any of these sites to be just as harmful as Kozanekozasearchsystem.com and do your best to avoid all of them, as well as their affiliate sites.

Kozanekozasearchsystem.com-Based Browser Hijacks and What You Can Do About Them

Staying away from Kozanekozasearchsystem.com would be easy enough under normal circumstances, but Kozanekozasearchsystem.com and other types of searchsystem.com sites have chosen to propagate browser hijackers that make this simple safety measure relatively-difficult for infected computers. SpywareRemove.com malware experts recommend that you watch for the following symptoms of browser hijackers that are affiliated with Kozanekozasearchsystem.com:

  • Web browser redirects to Kozanekozasearchsystem.com or other searchsystem.com sites, including Kozanekozasearchsystem.com's affiliates. Redirects may start when you try to use a search engine, another type of popular website or at random while you browse the web.
  • Poor web browser performance including instability and sluggish responsiveness.
  • Pop-up advertisements and other forms of unwanted pop-up browser windows that appear at random or after you attempt to navigate to a new site.

Since browser-hijacking functions are often incorporated into high-level PC threats like rootkits, SpywareRemove.com malware research team strongly discourages manual attempts to remove a Kozanekozasearchsystem.com-aligned browser hijacker. Usage of competent anti-malware software, particularly while within Safe Mode, is far less likely to damage your operating system than attempting to undo a browser hijacker infection's changes by yourself.
