Home Malware Programs Malware Mal/Iframe-AL


Posted: March 6, 2013

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 14
First Seen: March 6, 2013
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Mal/Iframe-AL is a generic detection for browser-redirecting website exploits. Recent Mal/Iframe-AL attacks have become notably prolific and have been known to be inserted into benign websites already infected – different from deliberately malicious sites. Regardless of how you encounter Mal/Iframe-AL, Mal/Iframe-AL will force your browser to load external content from a second website, with the usual results including a Blackhole Exploit Kit-assisted drive-by-download attack. Mal/Iframe-AL's attacks can install high-level PC threats without your permission, and SpywareRemove.com malware analysts recommend that you use the highest degree of caution in avoiding and disinfecting Mal/Iframe-AL-related malware. Website administrators, in particular, should be careful to try to detect and remove Mal/Iframe-AL before Mal/Iframe-AL can abuse their website traffic to acquire new victims.

Mal/Iframe-AL: the Start of Your Trip into a Malware Abyss

Mal/Iframe-AL is a label that's applicable to any type of harmful redirect that's injected into an unrelated website. Common formats for Mal/Iframe-AL attacks include JavaScript files (in which case disabling JavaScript from your browser can be a helpful defense) and malicious iFrame content. In either case, Mal/Iframe-AL is inserted into the code of a normal website and then allowed to launch automatically whenever a vulnerable browser loads said site. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers particularly warn that, despite Mal/Iframe-AL being able to facilitate the automatic installation of various dangerous PC threats like rootkits or banking Trojans, most Mal/Iframe-AL attacks don't generate visible symptoms.

While Mal/Iframe-AL always has been a very common PC threat, the most recent waves of Mal/Iframe-AL are especially noted for using redirects to Blackhole Exploit Kits (AKA Blacole or BEK). BEK then selects from a configurable array of software vulnerabilities that will allow it to install malicious software onto your computer. Since BEK is a for-hire kit that can and has been used to deliver many types of different payloads onto vulnerable computers, the types of damage that can result from a successful Mal/Iframe-AL attack can range from something as minor as unwanted browser redirects all the way up to a backdoor that allows criminals to take over your computer entirely.

Getting the Web's Biggest Threat Out of Your Site

Mal/Iframe-AL has been responsible for what some estimate to be a staggering total of thirty percent of all recently-detected online PC threats. Because Mal/Iframe-AL is most likely to be encountered in normally-trustworthy websites that have been hacked, SpywareRemove.com malware research team suggests the following security steps to keep your possible Mal/Iframe-AL exposure to a minimum:

  • If you're responsible for a website domain, monitor your website's code for unusual insertions that could be indicative of Mal/Iframe-AL or similar PC threats. The presence of unrecognizable additions to your site's code should be dealt with promptly, and security issues that allow criminals to access your website's code likewise should be attended to as quickly as possible. Always erase Mal/Iframe-AL from your website's code as soon as Mal/Iframe-AL is spotted. SpywareRemove.com malware experts have noted that popular blogging domains often are attacked in this fashion via software vulnerabilities that can be prevented by updating your website-management software.
  • With respect to browsing other websites, you should keep your web browser updated, disable unneeded features (such as Java) whenever they're not required, and use strong overall security settings.

Like all potentially high-level PC threats, Mal/Iframe-AL's payloads should be removed by a suitable anti-malware program. However, knowing how to remove Mal/Iframe-AL should not be an issue for anyone who isn't a website administrator.
