Home Malware Programs Malware Mal/Badsrc-C


Posted: November 1, 2011

Mal/Badsrc-C is a detection label that's used for malicious websites or sites that have been compromised. Recent Mal/Badsrc-C infections have been noted to focus on WordPress index files and may be able to infect visitors to WordPress websites without visible symptoms of the assaults. Since Mal/Badsrc-C is used to identify generic forms of malicious sites, Mal/Badsrc-C can be used to install a wide range of possible threats to your PC, including keyloggers, dropper Trojans or viruses. As long as you practice appropriate online safety guidelines, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers are happy to note that the chance of Mal/Badsrc-C infection is minimal. However, if you have been infected by a Mal/Badsrc-C attack, you should immediately respond by using an appropriately-trustworthy anti-malware program.

Protecting Your Blog from a Mal/Badsrc-C

Although Mal/Badsrc-C attacks have been evident since at least 2008, modern Mal/Badsrc-C activities only began in late September of 2011. At that time, Mal/Badsrc-C began a string of infections across a wide range of otherwise-blameless WordPress websites, attacking index.html files to insure its own easy propagation. This variant of Mal/Badsrc-C has been known to be able to attack Internet Explorer, but SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have, so far, not noted any ability in Mal/Badsrc-C to attack via Chrome, Firefox or other forms of popular web browsers.

Software-based methods of protecting your PC and your blog from Mal/Badsrc-C include:

  • Keeping active and up-to-date anti-malware programs to detect Mal/Badsrc-C attacks as they occur.
  • Updating your web browser to its latest version, which will reduce security holes.
  • Disabling scripts that Mal/Badsrc-C could use to install itself onto your computer. Script-disabling settings can be found in most types of web browsers; Mal/Badsrc-C has been indicated to use PHP scripts in preference over Flash or Java.

Little Common Sense to Keep Mal/Badsrc-C Clear of Your Browser

In addition to the above methods of saving your PC from a Mal/Badsrc-C attack, you may also want to utilize extremely-strong passwords for your WordPress websites and blogs. Passwords with six or more characters, numbers, and letters will help to reduce the chance of a random Mal/Badsrc-C break-in. Easily-guessed passwords are a primary cause of account hijacks that can cause Mal/Badsrc-C to infect your WordPress index without your consent.

Mal/Badsrc-C is also known by the following aliases: Asprox, Trojan:JS/Aseljo.K, Trojan:JS/Aseljo.A, Trojan.Asprox.D, JS/Ani, Hijacker.Linker.e and HTML.Downloader. In all cases of exposure to Mal/Badsrc-C, SpywareRemove.com malware research team strongly encourages you to assume that your computer may have been infected by other PC threats. A full system scan in Safe Mode is the ideal method of detecting any malicious programs that Mal/Badsrc-C may have installed, as long as your software is updated enough to detect recent infections that Mal/Badsrc-C can deliver.
