Home Issue 'Mouse Lag in Windows' Issues

'Mouse Lag in Windows' Issues

Posted: December 30, 2020

Experiencing mouse lag while browsing the Web, using an essential piece of software, or playing your favorite game can be a very annoying experience. You will be glad to hear that mouse lag in Windows is not caused by hardware issues necessarily and, in some cases, the issue may be owed to faulty drivers or a poorly configured mouse. If you are experiencing any 'Mouse Lag in Windows' issues, then you should consider trying the troubleshooting tips below, as they may help you solve the problem swiftly:

Troubleshoot Mouse Device Drivers

Recent Windows versions come pre-packed with drivers that allow them to run many types of computer peripherals, including mice. There is a small chance that a driver issue is causing your mouse to lag and this is the first fix you should attempt. Start from the Windows Start Menu and then find and open the 'Device Manager.' Once there, expand 'Mice and other pointing devices,' right-click 'HID-compliant mouse' and select 'Uninstall Device.' Your mouse will stop working, and you need to restart your computer for Windows to re-download the driver.

Renew Graphics Drivers

In some cases, the mouse lag issues may be owed to a faulty video driver. To verify that this is not the cause of the problem, you should head to your graphics card vendor's official website and fetch the latest driver version.

Temporarily Disable Cortana

Cortana's services, Microsoft's virtual assistant, may sometimes consume significant amounts of hardware resources. This might cause common performance issues on computers with low-end hardware – a lagging mouse if one of the common symptoms. To verify that this is not causing the issue, you should disable Cortana by opening the application, selecting 'Settings,' and disabling 'Cortana can give you suggestions, ideas, reminders, alerts and more.'

Troubleshoot other USB Devices

It is not unheard of for USB devices to have conflicts with each other, therefore hindering their performance and functionality. If you use plenty of USB devices, it might be a good idea to try unplugging them individually while checking if the mouse lag persists.
