Home Malware Programs Adware MusixHub


Posted: August 31, 2015

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 86
First Seen: August 31, 2015
OS(es) Affected: Windows

MusixHub is a browser extension that offers its clients a quick access to various music albums. While this feature may sound appealing to the people whose passion is the music, the cyber security specialists don't recommend installing the add-on. The reason for this advice is the presence of some annoying side effects. MusixHub is ad-supported software, or adware for short. It replaces the homepage with some unreliable search engine. The new platform cannot optimize the searching of information since it borrows the results from Google. All it does is insert sponsored links, which would take you towards third-party affiliate pages. In addition, MusixHub generates pop-ups, banners and interstitial ads, which you may face when you go online. You may notice the same commercial materials on all of the famous web clients, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The negative aspects of the marketing elements are several. First of all, they may annoy you since they may become an inseparable part of most webpages. Second, the ads may hinder the normal functioning of the browsers. In order to load them, your Internet client is forced to use some of the system resources, which leaves less available resources for the other processes. The third unpleasant effect of the ads is related to the affiliate pages. In case some of them host harmful content or display misleading information intentionally, your system may get infected. Musixhub.com is not the only place you can use to download the extension. In fact, it more often enters together with freeware. If you are not happy with the browser modifications it causes, you should consider removing the adware from your PC.
