Home Malware Programs Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) Mysupertab.com


Posted: April 9, 2020

Mysupertab.com is a Chrome extension that you should avoid installing because it is known to bring undesired changes to the configuration of Web browsers. The good news is that the changes that Mysupertab.com makes are not harmful – however, they may worsen your Web browsing experience by forcing you to use an alternative search engine, as well as by replacing the website you see when you open a new tab. It seems that the primary purpose of Mysupertab.com is to promote the Web page Search.mysupertab.com – a basic search engine that does not appear to offer unique features. In addition to not being special, Search.mysupertab.com also may provide you with less accurate and reputable search results compared to Google, Bing, Yahoo or other popular online search service.

Mysupertab.com is classified as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP), and you are unlikely to end up having it on your computer if you are using the protection services of modern anti-malware tools. Although anti-virus vendors are focused on removing Mysupertab.com, we assure you that this add-on is not harmful in any way. It is not mandatory to remove it, but it is the recommended thing to do if you are unhappy with the changes it made.
