Home Malware Programs Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) Nvi864 CPU Miner

Nvi864 CPU Miner

Posted: July 25, 2018

The Nvi864 CPU Miner is a Trojan miner, which will utilize your CPU's resources to mine for the Monero cryptocurrency. The dodgy application is based on the XMRig project, which is a legitimate utility used to mine Monero and other cryptocurrencies, but it seems that the cybercriminals are creating modified versions such as the Nvi864 CPU Miner. These modified versions usually function in the background, and they may use process names that look legitimate to avoid raising any suspicion. In addition to these changes, the authors of the Nvi864 CPU Miner also have implemented a script, which creates a Registry entry that is meant to execute the 'Nvi864' process and set off the cryptocurrency mining operation.

Naturally, the authors of the Nvi864 CPU Miner have implemented their own miner configuration, and all Monero will be transferred to their wallet, leaving nothing for the victim. In the meantime, the victim is likely to experience issues with their PC's performance since the Nvi864 CPU Miner will consume a significant portion of the available CPU resources, therefore reducing the overall ability of the computer to run games or heavy software greatly. Unfortunately, the Nvi864 CPU Miner is just a drop in the ocean of Trojan miners that have flooded the Internet in recent months. Some of the other Trojan miner processes that our researchers have identified are:

9BN9AQ5QX.exe, AAct.exe, App_loader.exe, AudioConverter.exe, B3.exe, Bam.exe, Bebamin.exe, CCleanerup.exe, Ccminer-x64-75.exe, ChromeHandler.exe, Deltatb.exe, Deskeyg.exe, Dwmhost.exe, Eb64.exe, Fastermc.exe, Gbhvexig.exe, Gerrime.exe, Goodlam.exe , Greentrax.exe, Gunpoint.exe, Hidserv.exe, InstUp.exe, Kolibry12.exe, Konkkix.exe, Lamtouch.exe, Lsmose.exe, Ma1rek.exe, Microsoft Windows.exe, Miner.XMRig!gen1, Mwessweeper.exe, Notla.exe, Nvi864.exe, Pmropn.exe, ProgramData2.exe, RAVBg64.exe, RWBMIN.exe, Rpcminer-opencl.exe, Runner.exe, Startup.exe, Super-Find.exe , Superfan.exe, Svdhalp.exe, Swchost.exe, SystemF0D7.exe, Tintom.exe, Tresis.exe, Unoapeco.exe , UpdaterProBrowser.exe, VORHJD.exe, Vaialamron.exe , Voyafresh.exe , Wcmn.exe, Wcmr.exe, Wshelper.exe, Xjj64.exe, Zanhpig.exe, amdhwnd.exe, amdpr.exe, autoclk.exe, bmupdate.exe, capi.exe, cex3.exe, cg64.exe, conshost.exe, contosog.exe , contosor.exe, core.exe, cpsvchost.exe , cpu-x64.exe, cpu.vmp.exe, cssrss.exe, ctvqzym.exe, deskeya.exe, dllhost32.exe, dtdump.exe, dvu.exe, ellfService.exe, exhelper.exe, fasst.exe, gc.exe, iscsicli.exe, jwtdww.exe, main.exe, memory.exe, minxmr32.exe, moonlight.exe, mssoft.exe, mwesmanager.exe, myvtfile.exe, nssm_x64.exe, nvcpl.exe, nvvgle.exe , opencl.exe, pass.exe, prelims.exe, realtkdrv.exe, runProcesses.exe, sctools.exe, seser.exe, sistem.exe, srs0518.exe, ssvchost32.exe, steagnmstneres.exe, steagnnmsintel.exe, svchosst.exe, svrwsc.exe, sysult.exe, taskmon.exe, teams.exe, tvwhrtch.exe, ursehealth.exe, winclock.exe, windefend.exe , winupdsvc.exe, winwb.exe, xfplay.exe, xmrig-amd64.exe, xmrtor.exe, xmx86.exe, xxxx64.exe.

It is likely that threats like the Nvi864 CPU Miner are being spread via fake downloads, pirated software, and other dodgy digital content so that we advise you to only download files from trustworthy locations. In addition to this, it is recommended to use an up-to-date anti-malware software suite since it can reduce the risk that you will run a harmful miner on your computer greatly.
