Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Olaldo.com


Posted: January 10, 2020

Olaldo.com is a page whose content is meant to trick users into allowing the website to display notifications in their Web browser. The issue with allowing pages like this one to make use of your Web browser's notifications menu is the fact that Olaldo.com may use these permissions to flood you with advertisements for various adult dating sites, gambling services, blogs, affiliated services/products, etc. Needless to say, a significant part of this content will not be relevant to your interests, and it might continue showing up every few minutes.

To get the permissions it needs, Olaldo.com may display a fake alert, which tells users that they need to press the 'Allow' button to continue to the content they were trying to access. The button in question is connected to a prompt, which tells users that Olaldo.com wants to show notifications in their Web browser. If you end up clicking the 'Allow' button, then Olaldo.com will be able to display advertisements in the form of notifications regardless if your Web browser is opened or not.

If you are being bothered by Olaldo.com's notifications, then we advise you to run a security tool immediately and try to resolve the issue. In addition to this automatic fix, you also can try to fix the issue manually by accessing your Web browser's privacy settings and terminating Olaldo.com's permissions.

To avoid future issues like the one described above, you should remember that you should not provide unknown websites with the ability to display notifications. In addition to trying to hijack the Web browser's notifications, Olaldo.com also redirect its visitors to a page that serve fake lottery results, fake downloads and other dubious content.
