Home Malware Programs Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) PUP.LyriXeeker.A


Posted: October 31, 2013

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 76
First Seen: October 31, 2013
OS(es) Affected: Windows

PUP.LyriXeeker.A is a potentially unwanted program (PUP), which may be downloaded from the Internet when a web user downloads freeware. PUP.LyriXeeker.A may result in a variety of issues when it is downloaded and installed on the computer. The PC user may allow downloading of PUP.LyriXeeker.A when he is downloading other free software products from the web, or he may download PUP.LyriXeeker.A inadvertently by not paying enough attention to the installation process. When the computer user downloads any free program from the Internet and does not read the download agreement, he may not be aware of what other potentially unwanted programs may come bundled with the particular free tool he is downloading. Once downloaded and installed, PUP.LyriXeeker.A may run numerous background processes that cause slow downs of the computer. PUP.LyriXeeker.A may display numerous random pop-up adverts on the screen of the PC. PUP.LyriXeeker.A may take over the web browser and result in irritating diversions to advertising websites.
