Home Malware Programs Mac Malware Pushishere.com


Posted: April 3, 2020

Pushishere.com hosts a browser-based tactic whose goal is to trick you into clicking a button that would allow the page to abuse your Web browser's notifications. This might not sound like a huge issue, but you can rest assured that seeing dozens of unwanted notifications every few minutes is something that you will not enjoy at all. The notifications that Pushishere.com spawns are used for advertising gambling sites, adult sites, affiliated products/services or shady websites. It is recommended to avoid the links found in Pushishere.com notifications since they are unlikely to lead you to any interesting content.

The low-effort tactic used by Pushishere.com is executed with the help of a bogus message, which tells users that they need to click 'Allow' to continue. However, the 'Allow' button will enable Pushishere.com to display notifications, and it will not take you to any content. We advise you to avoid following the instructions displayed by random websites.

If you are seeing the Pushishere.com notifications currently, then we suggest that you open your browser's settings menu and revoke this domain's permissions to display notifications.
