Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Searchbif.net


Posted: March 5, 2012

Searchbif.net Screenshot 1Searchbif.net is a fake search engine that uses its fake search capabilities to proffer links to advertisements and malicious content, including sites that propagate PC threats. Despite its innocent looks, Searchbif.net has been blacklisted for its association with malicious software distributors and spammers, and SpywareRemove.com malware researchers recommend avoiding Searchbif.net whenever it's possible. Unfortunately, staying away from Searchbif.net may not be easy if your PC is infected by one of its associated browser hijackers, which may lock your homepage to Searchbif.net or change your searches to Searchbif.net without your permission. Redirects to Searchbif.net can be remedied via appropriate anti-malware software and aren't linked to any specific type of web browser or any given browser's settings.

Searchbif.net – a Search Engine with Lots of Bad Ideas for Search Results

Searchbif.net pretends to offer both search engine features and categorized links according to interests like credit cards, shopping and sports, but Searchbif.net's reputation has preceded it as a bad place to start online searches for anything whatsoever. Searchbif.net is noted for its common ground with such sites as Supersearchport.net, Supsearch.net, Basic-search.net, Clipssearch.net, Macsearch.net, Cutsearch.net, Supersearchs.net and Lightssearch.net, all of them employing the same types of bait and switch hoaxes that use fake search results to expose you to harmful and irrelevant websites. Although most reports of contact with Searchbif.net involve browser hijackers that utilize redirects attacks, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have also discovered that links to Searchbif.net may be propagated by spam (unsolicited and mass-distributed e-mail messages, instant messages and other textual communications).

If you do try to follow Searchbif.net's questionable links, you may be exposed to such unsavory content as:

  • Drive-by-download attacks that install PC threats without permission. These attacks often use scripts, such as Java, that can be disabled to block the attempted installation.
  • Fake warning messages, scanner simulations and other attempts to mislead you about your computer's health. This tactic is often used to promote rogue security products like Windows PRO Scanner or Fake Microsoft Security Essentials.
  • Advertisements that have no relation to the search terms you entered.
  • Phishing attacks that use false pretexts to steal personal information.

Recovering Your Web Browser from Searchbif.net's Machinations

Since Searchbif.net is a noted propagation source for PC threats, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts suggest that you scan your PC after any visit to Searchbif.net, even if you don't notice obvious symptoms of an installation attempt. Adding to Searchbif.net's unpleasant nature is the fact that Searchbif.net relies on browser hijackers for promotion, which may lock your homepage to Searchbif.net or use various methods to redirect you to Searchbif.net (no matter what site you're trying to visit or use in the first place). Searchbif.net-promoting browser hijackers have been known to attack multiple brands of web browsers and aren't linked to any one brand such as Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox.

These issues can be solved by scanning your PC with anti-malware software that can not only remove the relevant PC threat but also undo its settings changes that cause the Searchbif.net redirects. Undoing these changes manually has a high chance of harming your PC unless this is done by a PC security expert, due to the strong possibility of changes to critical Windows components like the Registry.
