SectionIndexer is a Mac application that often poses as a useful addition to your list of helpful utilities. It iparamount to mention that this application does not have an official download location, website or publisher to reach out. Instead, it is spread entirely through software bundling, fake downloads, and false promises.
If SectionIndexer is installed on a machine, it may modify your default Web browser's settings immediately so that it redirects you to 'SectionIndexer Search' whenever you try to search the Web. This change is difficult to remove because SectionIndexer will set up a new Mac 'Device Profile,' which ensures that the change will persist even if you try to have it removed.
SectionIndexer is classified as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP.) You should not consider this software to be a security concern or a threat since it does not have any harmful modules. However, it can be very annoying due to the changes it forces upon your Web browser – you can fix the issue by running a Mac security application to eliminate SectionIndexer.
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