Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Shielddefense.net


Posted: August 22, 2017

The Shield Defense is a Web browser extension meant to work as both an ad-blocker and a security layer, which is supposed to help keep the user away from suspicious or potentially harmful content and websites. Naturally, just like all other Chrome extensions, the Shield Defense is also free. However, users who opt to install it may realize quickly that there are certain Terms and Conditions they need to agree to use the Shield Defense's features. The most notable change is the fact that the Shield Defense requests permission to replace the user's default new tab with Shielddefense.net, a page that hosts a search engine that is meant to keep the user's searches anonymous and safe.

It is questionable how helpful the Shield Defense is, especially considering that there are many more popular and free ad-blocking alternatives whose installation will not bring any unwanted changes to your browser's settings. Although using Shielddefense.net is not harmful, you should keep in mind that this search engine may not perform as expected since its search algorithm may be changed at any time. At the moment, Shielddefense.net brings results from the Yahoo Search, but there's no guarantee that this will not change in the near future.

If you wish to remove Shielddefense.net and revert the changes it brought, then you should use a credible security utility to deal with it, or consider attempting to remove it manually.
