Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Srvsinf.com


Posted: December 3, 2013

Srvsinf.com is an advertising domain that sometimes is exploited to deliver unwanted content via adware. Popular formats for Srvsinf.com adware attacks are, at this time, limited to various pop-up windows which launch automatically, regardless of the PC user's browsing behavior. Because this type of non-consensual pop-up is potential security risks, malware analysts suggest deleting any adware or other PC threats causing Srvsinf.com pop-ups through the use of strong, updated anti-malware products with extensive histories of combating browser-based threats and PUPs.

The Site that Serves You Things You Never Asked to See

Srvsinf.com doesn't have any default content and isn't unsafe to visit directly, but when adware and other low-level PC threats are involved, Srvsinf.com shows a new aspect of itself to your browser. Victims of these attacks report problems with browser pop-ups that trigger automatically during their browsing, with content including links to various third party advertisements and, in some cases, information-gathering questionnaires and surveys. The latter is a particular worry for malware experts, who often see these types of requests and offers exploited to collect personal information while promising any number of rewards – that never arrive.

Malware researchers still are investigating the capabilities of the PC threats involved in the Srvsinf.com pop-up campaign. However, there is evidence that these pop-up-producing programs may be monitoring the Web-browsing behaviors of their victims to deliver topical advertising (such as a shopping advertisement while you browse Amazon). So far, Srvsinf.com adware also is suspected to use infection methods that install Srvsinf.com automatically and without announcing the action, turning Srvsinf.com's pop-ups into your first evidence of any problems with your PC.

Sending this Server Back to the Kitchen

Srvsinf.com pop-ups are a recent addition to the adware landscape, but other types of similar attacks using other Web domains have been highly popular for years. In all cases, your best bet for protecting your PC from these unwanted pop-ups and the dangers they have the potential to hold is to use anti-malware products that are designed to block unsafe Web content and identify suspicious installers, along with safe browsing routines that keep you at a distance from sites that are most likely to distribute these PC threats. Most adware programs responsible for pop-ups like those used with Srvsinf.com's advertisements are bundled with unrelated applications, such as graphics utilities, codec packages or even modified updates for script platforms like JavaScript.

However, since no means of defense is perfectly impenetrable to the ever-evolving risk of threats, knowing how to respond to Srvsinf.com pop-ups also is important for keeping your computer safe. Malware experts always would recommend avoiding giving personal information to untrustworthy third parties that request your information through pop-up advertisements, avoiding updates sent through advertisements and, when it's called for, using anti-malware products to delete the ultimate source of Srvsinf.com pop-ups expediently.
