Home Malware Programs Worms Swen


Posted: March 28, 2006

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 9/10
Infected PCs: 6
First Seen: July 24, 2009
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Swen is an Internet worm. It spreads by e-mail, via KaZaA file-sharing application and through IRC channels. It also can place infected files on vulnerable PCs found in a local network. The worm installs itself to the computer. It imitates Microsoft update pack and comes in a letter, that imitates Microsoft security advisory. Then Swen sends its copies to e-mail addresses found in a computer, infects mIRC chat client and KaZaA file-sharing software and uses this software to distribute itself to other users. The worm can terminate all antivirus and security-related processes. It also connects to the author's web server.


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