Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Uiojx.xyz


Posted: December 5, 2019

Uiojx.xyz is a bogus page, which is not meant to deliver any meaningful content to its users. In fact, the homepage shows nothing – all of the pages hosted by Uiojx.xyz are found in sub-directories with randomized names that cannot be guessed easily. It would appear that the website Uiojx.xyz is being promoted via shady browser pop-ups and advertisements that users may come across when they browse dubious Web destinations.

Judging by the directory names used by the administrator of Uiojx.xyz, the page may be programmed to refer its visitors to different sub-directories depending on the Web browser they use – it has support for Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The Chrome messages, for example, issue a fake warning that the user's Flash Player is out of date, and it needs to be updated immediately. The message is followed by a download link to the update. The link in question does not lead to Adobe's official page and; instead, it redirects users to a 3rd-party hosting that is not affiliated with a legitimate company – this is very suspicious behavior, and you should never agree to download unknown files like the ones promoted by Uiojx.xyz. Another reason to concerned is that the file poses as an Adobe Flash Player update – this is one of the most common social engineering tricks that malware developers use to spread ransomware, Trojans and other cyber-threats.

It is not clear if the bogus pages on Uiojx.xyz are spreading malware, but we would counsel you not to take any risks, and stay away from this page. If you ever encounter the URL Uiojx.xyz in your Web browser, then you should leave the page immediately and disregard any alerts and messages it displays.
