Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Uluswozzel.info


Posted: April 20, 2020

Uluswozzel.info is a questionable website and an associated browser hijacker that may load adware that bombards computer users with repeated pop-ups. The annoyances of Uluswozzel.info are vast and one will want to avoid clicking on any of the related pop-ups as they could lead to further issues on the affected web browser application.

Often, Uluswozzel.info and its components are loaded on a PC when installing freeware apps or bundled software. If such components are loaded as web browser add-ons or extensions, one should take immediate action to find them and delete them. An automatic removal process may be done using an antispyware program where the components of Uluswozzel.info are eliminated leaving the computer user the ability to set their desired web browser settings, including their preferred default home page and new tab page.
