Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Updateplayers.com


Posted: December 23, 2013

Updateplayers.com is a Web domain that distributes bogus software updates to install hostile and unwanted software. Since Updateplayers.com's update alerts resemble the alerts of legitimate software updaters, careless PC users may be tricked into infecting their own computers with threats, causing a compromise of security that may have a cascading effect potentially resulting in the loss of highly confidential information, such as bank account passwords. As malware researchers tend to recommend with confirmed infection vectors, having your browser load Updateplayers.com at any point is a reason to launch and use your anti-malware tools to double-check your PC for potential infections.

The Website that Plays You for a Fool

Updateplayers.com is a site that uses the well-honed social engineering attack of the fake software update. Browsers loading the site, either by visiting Updateplayers.com or through the loading mechanics of affiliated sites, may be presented with a fraudulent update message that claims that their Media Player software is outdated. This download even includes options for different versions of the software, although malware experts have yet to confirm any differences between the two payloads. Unprotected PC users who accept this download will find their systems immediately compromised by unreliable software.

Since malware experts have yet to finish examining the available samples, Updateplayers.com's attack has a great deal in common with past attacks that have distributed high-level PC threats. The results of these drive-by-downloads usually are any of several variants of professionally-designed spyware or backdoor Trojans, which disable your computer's security and steal personal information with no real symptoms for you to observe.

On the other hand, the installation of rogue security programs and fake Police Trojans also may happen through these same methods, and show very observable side effects. However, these side effects usually are accompanied by attacks that block your use of most other programs, leaving you with new problems to worry about besides figuring out what's infected your computer.

Preventing Your Browser from Being Played Like a Fiddle

A browser that's protected from the kinds of drive-by-downloads that are used by Updateplayers.com and similar sites always will be one that's up-to-date, has disabled scripts and is backed up by strong anti-malware products. Nonetheless, even these kinds of defenses will not necessarily help you if you choose to install Updateplayers.com's fake update intentionally. Malware researchers also feel it worth warning that, thus far, most major PC security brands have not caught up on labeling Updateplayers.com as a risky site. Therefore, you will not be able to rely on most alternate brands of anti-malware products being able to block Updateplayers.com as a known unsafe domain. However, they still should be able to detect and block the actual drive-by-download, in most instances.

Threats installed through Updateplayers.com may be able to disable important security programs and features. If you do need to remove Updateplayers.com's payload and can't access critical software, consider loading a free USB drive with a backup OS. From that OS, use Safe Mode and any anti-malware products you deem necessary to remove Updateplayers.com's software from your computer while all PC threats are disabled.
