Home Malware Programs Adware 'WANNACRY DETECTED' Pop-Ups


Posted: November 30, 2017

The 'WANNACRY DETECTED' pop-ups are corrupted and fraudulent browser messages, which may appear in your Web browser and prevent you from accessing other websites, your browser's settings or any of the browser's features. These issues are not owned by a threat present on your computer and, instead, the cause for them are malevolent scripts hosted on the sites that are meant to distribute the 'WANNACRY DETECTED' pop-ups. These pop-ups assure visitors that their computers have been infected by the infamous WannaCry Ransomware and they need to contact a technical support team to prevent further damage to their files immediately. These claims are not true, and the sole purpose of the 'WANNACRY DETECTED' pop-ups is to trick users into calling the technical support phone line listed there.

The phone number that 'WANNACRY DETECTED' pop-ups promote is 844-528-4333, and a quick Web search reveals that this number is not associated with any reputable company. Instead, there are multiple reports of this number being linked to a potentially harmful activity and technical support tactics. However, calling it will not get you to talk to computer experts and, instead, you'll hear from a crook that is likely to go after your money or information. These tactics usually work by asking the potential victim to spend hundreds of dollars on an expensive piece of software or non-existent technical support services. The advice is never to trust browser pop-ups claiming to contain information about threats on your computer because it is impossible for them to scan your system.

Encountering these pop-ups while browsing the Web is not a symptom of harmful software and, usually, it is because you were browsing low-quality websites that might be linked to malvertising activities. The best way to proceed when you come across fraudulent messages like the 'WANNACRY DETECTED' pop-ups is to fully restart your browser to get rid of the page that hosts the said messages.
