Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools Warzone RAT

Warzone RAT

Posted: December 16, 2019

Warzone RAT is a purchasable Remote Access Trojan that is being promoted on underground hacking forums actively. Its authors also have set up an official website that sells the product and advertises it as a legitimate remote assistance tool. However, a quick look at the Warzone RAT's list of features reveals a long list of monitoring tools and info-stealing modules, which are not typical for legitimate software certainly. In addition to the paid versions of the Warzone RAT, there are multiple cracked ones being distributed online, so it is safe to say that thousands of cybercriminals may have their hands on a working copy of the Warzone RAT.

Since this tool can be used by anyone willing to pay the price, it may be distributed via various means – the threat actors using it may opt to spread the threatening program via spam emails, fake downloads, fake updates, torrent trackers, pirated games and software, etc. Since Remote Access Trojans like this one are meant to be used for long-lasting reconnaissance and info-stealing operations, victims of the Warzone RAT may not notice anything out of the ordinary. The threatening application runs in the background and can be controlled by the attacker via remote commands sent from the control server.

The Warzone RAT has Infostealing and Remote Desktop Capabilities

The Warzone RAT is being advertised as fully undetectable, but this statement is false – reputable anti-virus engines are able to identify this threat and eradicate it before it gets a chance to cause problems. Some of Warzone's primary features include:

  • Ability to bypass User Account Control (UAC) settings by exploiting a Windows vulnerability.
  • Browsing and modifying the user's files.
  • Controlling running processes.
  • Using a password-collecting module compatible with various Web browsers and email clients.
  • Offline and live keylogging.
  • Executing remote shell commands.
  • Initiating a remote desktop control session.

This is just some of the Warzone RAT's features, but even those alone are enough to cause a lot of damage if the attack is not stopped on time.

The Warzone RAT is not the only commodity malware found online certainly – threat actors have access to a wide range of threatening applications that can be used as long as they accept to pay a certain price. The attack can come from anywhere, so it is best to take preventive security measures that can save you from the Warzone RAT's operators – use an anti-malware software suite that receives regular updates, and remember to be extra careful with the files you download.
