Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Websearch.awsomesearchs.info


Posted: May 8, 2014

Websearch.awsomesearchs.info is a suspicious search website that may be related to browser hijackers and adware. These security infections may usually be downloaded and installed onto the computer system without the PC user's approval or as extra tools to freeware. Browser hijackers and adware pertaining to Websearch.awsomesearchs.info may change the configuration of the Web browser in an effort to forcibly redirect PC users to unreliable search engine websites. Adware linked to Websearch.awsomesearchs.info may also display unwanted pop-up advertisements and reroute PC users to questionable websites. Browser hijackers and adware connected with Websearch.awsomesearchs.info may replace the default start page, search provider or a new tab window with Websearch.awsomesearchs.info. When installed on the PC, the associated security infections may insert unwanted browser add-ons and make numerous changes to the Windows Registry. Browser hijackers and adware associated with Websearch.awsomesearchs.info may spread and enter the PC bundled with freeware that computer users download from the Internet.
