Home Malware Programs Adware WikiTime Ads

WikiTime Ads

Posted: August 28, 2015

Threat Metric

Ranking: 13,467
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 1,171
First Seen: August 28, 2015
Last Seen: October 9, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

WikiTime is a questionable PC application that is supposed to provide its users with quick and convenient access to WikiPedia's huge database of information. While having constant access to WikiPedia may seem like a great reason to use the WikiTime web browser extension, it is worth noting that the extension doesn't come without its negative sides. The WikiTime is ad-supported, so by installing it users agree to see the WikiTime Ads in their web browser. The advertisements used by this software may be part of a paid-per-clicking advertising campaign whose goal is to generate revenue for the adware's authors. The content of the WikiTime ads may come from 3rd-parties, so there is no way to guarantee that the WikiTime advertising network won't be used to distribute malicious or disturbing content.

The WikiTime software may not only promote malicious content, but it may also spy on the user's online activities. To do so, the WikiTime software uses a tracking cookie to gather non-identifiable data regarding frequently visited websites, search queries, and other surfing habits. The purpose of this action is to collect information that can be used to improve the WikiTime advertising campaigns. However, experts in the security field consider this behavior to invade the privacy of users, so the removal of the WikiTime app is recommended. The software is classified as adware, and it is recommended to use reputable anti-malware software for the removal of WikiTime.
