Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Wvd.proresync.net


Posted: October 25, 2013

Wvd.proresync.net is an advertising server sometimes exploited by adware-based PC threats to display advertisements without the permission of the PC user. Although Wvd.proresync.net isn't classified as a tricky server, some third party advertisements delivered through Wvd.proresync.net may be unsafe or misleading, and such advertisements are a common source of various dangers including drive-by-downloads and phishing attacks. Malware researchers always advise the expedient deletion of adware that uses Wvd.proresync.net or other servers to the detriment of your Web-browsing experience, preferably with anti-malware tools that can restore your browser to normal with little to no difficulty.

The Inevitable Results of Adware Syncing Up with Your Browser

Wvd.proresync.net is designed to play third party content, including a variety of advertisements, and doesn't show any individual content if it's loaded directly. Although Wvd.proresync.net doesn't have a close history of affiliation with threats, there have been some cases of Wvd.proresync.net's advertising network being promoted by low-level PC threats, such as adware programs.

Due to the generalized nature of these PC threats, the symptoms involved in seeing Wvd.proresync.net advertisements are flexible and may contain any or all of the characteristics below:

  • Injected links to Wvd.proresync.net advertisements based on the text keywords of unrelated sites.
  • Pop-up windows displaying Wvd.proresync.net advertisements.
  • Redirects to Wvd.proresync.net from unrelated sites, potentially including your homepage or preferred search engine.
  • Additional banners, sponsored links or other advertising content for Wvd.proresync.net that's inserted into your search results.

As a broad category of low-level PC threat, Wvd.proresync.net adware isn't affiliated with any individual browser or browser add-on. Most popular browsers should be assumed to be vulnerable to the problems noted here, including Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Windows PCs are more likely to be targeted by Wvd.proresync.net adware and similar adware attacks, but malware experts also have seen similar campaigns used against other operating systems to a lesser degree.

Cutting the Invisible Cord Tying Wvd.proresync.net's Advertising and Your PC Together

Even though Wvd.proresync.net doesn't specialize in distributing suspicious content, advertising networks are a common source of various security hazards, and malware experts strongly encourage deleting Wvd.proresync.net adware from your computer whenever you find any of the recurring symptoms listed in this article. In the meantime, you should be particularly cautious about common advertisement network-based PC threats, such as phishing attacks disguised as gift giveaways, fake system scanner reports and fraudulent software updates.

Most adware programs are distributed through bundles that install multiple applications simultaneously. Avoiding websites with histories of distributing low-level threats, including Wvd.proresync.net adware, is a basic part of maintaining the security of your PC – although many PC security programs should be able to detect such bundles before the relevant adware is installed, regardless of all else.
