Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Xml-ads.com


Posted: March 11, 2020

Xml-ads.com is an ad-serving website that may reach your Web browser in two ways:

  • When you visit low-quality pages that co-operate with shady advertising networks.
  • If you have adware installed on your computer.

Regardless of how Xml-ads.com reached your Web browser, the behavior of this page is almost always the same. It is capable of spawning multiple new tabs, pop-ups, and alerts that promote all sorts of content – products, services, websites, affiliate links, and even online scams. It is recommended to avoid Xml-ads.com's content altogether since it is unlikely to contain anything interesting.

An easy way to find out if Xml-ads.com gets to your Web browser via adware is to check if it appears while you browse legitimate websites such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, and others. If you keep being pestered by the Xml-ads.com ads while browsing a legitimate page, then it is recommended to run a reputable anti-virus product, which will identify and remove any adware that may have been installed on your computer.
