Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Yourtuber.info


Posted: May 6, 2019

Yourtuber.info is a questionable redirect site that may confuse computer users with its familiar name attempting to leverage the legitimate YouTube service and website. Loading the Yourtuber.info site is not known to cause immediate issues but can be somewhat confusing with its content and actions from associated browser components.

In some instances, the components of Yourtuber.info may load due to installation of bundled software or freeware apps. When such components are loaded, the Yourtuber.info site could be set as a default home page or new tab page.

Reversing the unwanted actions of Yourtuber.info will usually require finding and removing the associated components or browser extensions. Such a task may be accomplished using an antimalware resource or the savviness of some computer users to manually perform the removal actions.
