Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Uptoabc.com


Posted: September 18, 2020

Uptoabc.com is a page that was set up by cybercriminals to trick users into subscribing to its push notifications. Of course, Uptoabc.com does not tell users that this is what it wants – instead, it tries to disguise its request as a harmless 'anti-robot' check that users are asked to complete before continuing their browsing session. Stumbling upon Uptoabc.com's welcome page usually results in seeing a black screen with a piece of text saying 'Click Allow to Continue.' Completing this simple request is all that Uptoabc.com needs to gain access to your browser's push notifications.

If you allow Uptoabc.com to use notifications mistakenly, the website will make sure to abuse the feature as frequently as it can. Your browser is likely to be flooded with notifications from Uptoabc.com and, unfortunately, they are unlikely to contain any relevant content. Instead, they are likely to focus on promoting paid advertisements for various games, services, products and shady pages. If you wish to stay safe while browsing the Web, it is recommended to stay away from any content linked to Uptoabc.com.

Eliminating the unwanted push notifications is recommended. You can do this by limiting Uptoabc.com's permissions through your favorite browser's configuration panel.
