Home Security News Vigilant Ops Secures Seed Investment for SBOM Management Platform: Expanding Services and Meeting Government Regulations in Cybersecurity

Vigilant Ops Secures Seed Investment for SBOM Management Platform: Expanding Services and Meeting Government Regulations in Cybersecurity

Posted: January 8, 2024

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Vigilant Ops Receives Seed Investment

Vigilant Ops, an automation platform based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has recently reported securing a notable $2 million in a seed funding round. The investment, led solely by DataTribe, followed the company's continued commitment to providing Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) management and sharing capabilities for regulated organizations operating within the software industry.

Automated Platform for Managing SBOMs

Established in 2019, Vigilant Ops has distinguished itself as a leading SBOM management, intelligence, and exchange platform. The company serves regulated organizations that not only purchase but also build software. The key features of Vigilant Ops' platform include continuous vulnerability monitoring, security patch notifications, and the ability for users to upload SBOMs from alternate sources, making it a reliable and essential tool for enhancing the security and efficiency of software management processes.

Tailored Services for Regulated Organizations

Vigilant Ops specializes in offering tailored services for regulated organizations. These are entities that are required to adhere to stringent regulations when it comes to their software procurement and build processes. Following the investment from DataTribe, Vigilant Ops is poised to enhance its offerings further. With a base in the Washington-Baltimore metro area in Fulton, Maryland, DataTribe stands as a global player committed to pushing the envelope in shaping next-generation cybersecurity and data science companies.

Expansion Plans Using the Funding

The recent funding secured by Vigilant Ops aims to boost the expansion of its InSight platform. The company envisions deploying its platform across various critical infrastructure industries to help them automate their SBOMs and improve their security mechanisms. The process will ensure that companies operating in these industries have accurate and up-to-date SBOM information available. The funding will enable Vigilant Ops to align itself robustly with the industry's evolving needs while leading the way in automated SBOM management.

Evolving Government Regulations Regarding Software Security

The importance of robust software security cannot be overstated in today's digital age. This significance is also recognized and emphasized by government entities. As such, government policies are evolving to enforce the regulation around software development more stringently. "Software security is the next domain in cyber, and government policies are increasingly placing significant development regulations that require software manufacturers to be responsible for the cybersecurity of their products," noted DataTribe chief marketing officer Tony Surak.

This progression towards more stringent regulations underpins the heightened importance of comprehensive, accurate, and timely managed SBOMs; a need Vigilant Ops seeks to fulfill. The platform provided by Vigilant Ops offers automated generation, maintenance, and sharing of certified SBOMs, with a keen focus on tailored features for regulated organizations.

Following the Biden Administration's Push for Mandatory SBOMs

In line with the growing emphasis on software security, the Biden administration in 2021 mounted a significant push for mandatory SBOMs. This move led to the U.S. government issuing explicit guidance on SBOM implementation and consumption. In response, private organizations have geared up to equip other bodies to align themselves with this initiative.

Vigilant Ops' SBOM management platform is designed to assist organizations in meeting these new regulations. The platform caters to the real-time monitoring of software vulnerabilities, promptly alerting users of flaws and providing necessary security patch notifications. It is innovatively designed to allow users to automate and streamline their SBOM management process, thereby ensuring conformity with federal requirements.

Vigilant Ops' Commitment to Creating a Complete Inventory of Compliant Software Components

As Vigilant Ops CEO Ken Zalevsky remarks, "Securing the products that enable the critical infrastructure every citizen and company rely on daily will help unleash the innovative uses of new technologies and services." This means Vigilant Ops is committed to creating a complete inventory of software components recognized and compliant with pertinent legislation and regulations. This comprehensive inventory is meant to ensure all software components confirm cybersecurity regulations, thus improving overall security in various sectors.

Covering Multiple Critical Infrastructure Sectors

With the recently secured funding, Vigilant Ops plans to extend the capabilities of its flagship InSight platform to different critical infrastructure industries. Although healthcare has been a significant area of interest for Vigilant Ops, the company also recognizes the acute need for effective SBOM management in other sectors. These sectors include energy, financial services, communications, information technology, and manufacturing, apart from telecommunications industries.

SBOM Formats Recognition

As part of its expansion, Vigilant Ops seeks to incorporate different SBOM formats. Recognizing the heterogeneous nature of SBOM formats across various sectors, the company aims to provide a platform that accepts numerous SBOM formats. According to the company, the latest releases of the InSight platform already incorporate support for auto-importing different SBOM formats.

This capability is critical to Vigilant Ops' service, as it ensures flexibility and adaptability for organizations with varied SBOM requirements. This format-recognition feature will enable organizations from all listed sectors to better utilize Vigilant Ops' platform for managing, tracking, and securing their SBOMs.

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