Home Hackers Experts Believe New Facebook Messaging System Will Be A Prime Target for Hackers

Experts Believe New Facebook Messaging System Will Be A Prime Target for Hackers

Posted: November 17, 2010

Security experts have stressed that the recent revamp of Facebook's messaging system will be a new target for hackers and online scammers. Facebook has changed up their built-in messaging system where it now rolls up instant messages, e-mail, Facebook messages and SMS all in one easy-to-use system. The new setup will allow Facebook users to setup their own Facebook.com email address. It has been estimated that 4 billion messages are sent every day on Facebook and more than 350 million people use Facebook to message their friend and family members. Knowing how vast the Facebook infrastructure is it would only be advantageous for hackers to attack the new setup potentially reaching more people than ever before.

We could literally have a new epidemic of spreading malware, scams and identity theft on our hands if hackers are able to successfully attack Facebook's new 'messages' system. Not only will it affect users of Facebook, but whoever is a recipient of email messages from Facebook.com email accounts. Just think of the endless possibilities this type of platform may give hackers who are able to defeat security measures put in place.

Facebook's history of combating security related issues has had its ups and downs. Because Facebook harbors so many members, over 500 million, it could be said that Facebook may not be preparied to handle such a load of new messages sent back and forth over their network in the event of a mass-scale hacker attack. Spam is one major contributor for initiating the spread of malware or scams over the internet. Just how well is Facebook prepared to deal with spam messages over the 'messages' system is somewhat of a mystery.

Facebook has already said that it will let users restrict the messages that appear in their inbox to friends only or let you select 'friends of friends'. Although this sounds like a solution to a lot of spamming issues, we have witnessed in the pass several occasions where hackers are able to spread spam messages or scams through Facebook even though the user is setup to receive notices from 'friends only'. Hackers will simply hack into Facebook accounts. That's nothing new there.

What do you think about Facebook opening up their network to user email, SMS, instant messages and Facebook messages? Will you be taking advantage of the new messaging system or will you opt out of using it due to a fear of being hacked?

One Comment

  • Joost Daalder says:

    Facebook has strongly urged its users to join the new system. I have done so reluctantly. To me the most annoying feature is that I cannot OPT OUT. Once you are in, you are locked in. I do not like the fact that they give you a new email code that you cannot remove. Moreover, in practice the system is inferior in that only VERY SHORT messages are allowed, even between well-etablished friends. Once a small box is filled, that message has to be sent, and you have to write in another box if you are not yet finished, and thus have to send TWO messages, which is messy and confusing to the recipient. I HATE the system.
