Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Homepage-web.com


Posted: July 23, 2015

Homepage-web.com is a search site that began being promoted by a browser hijacking campaign in mid-2015. Although malware analysts have found no threatening content at Homepage-web.com, browsing Homepage-web.com may expose you to various security risks and provides no advantages not conferrable by more reputable sites offering equivalent services. For PC users who are struggling with Homepage-web.com being locked as their homepage or search engine, anti-malware scans should be used for identifying and uninstalling the Homepage-web.com hijacker safely.

The Homepage Your Browser Chose for You

Homepage-web.com is a search site that provides no personal results, instead, redirecting all searches to the Microsoft's Bing website. Unlike most equivalent search portals, malware experts found no cases of Homepage-web.com including additional advertising content for its revenue, although Homepage-web.com also fails to provide any added value to encourage using Homepage-web.com in place of Bing. Some PC users also report of Homepage-web.com delivering redirects to Trovi.com, a Conduit.com-based search site nearly identical to Homepage-web.com.

However, Homepage-web.com is most significant for being promoted as a landing page by browser hijackers. Although such attacks may be associated with visible browser add-ons and other, technically legal software, malware experts have found most Homepage-web.com hijackers eschewing all visible components. PC users that attempt to redirect their browsers away from Homepage-web.com typically find no evidence of unwanted extensions or any visible, easily reversible changes to their default browser's settings.

Malware experts also found Homepage-web.com making questionable use of Google URL-shortening services for some of its navigation links, including their terms of services. Such Web pages, which, normally, are locally hosted as part of the same domain, rarely require Web address shortening utilities that truncate link URLs. Common, but by no means universal abuses of these services may include redirecting Web surfers to unwanted sites (such as advertising affiliates) or even loading unsafe content, such as exploit kits that could install threats automatically.

Getting Your Homepage Back into Home

Standard Web-browsing security precautions can help reduce the chances of redirects from Homepage-web.com links harming your PC. However, whether you feel endangered by Homepage-web.com or unthreatened by its current content, malware experts discourage letting an external program determine which sites your browser uses for its homepages or search engines. Unfortunately, the installation and distribution models currently in use by Homepage-web.com hijackers still are the subject of investigation, with no single confirmed method.

You should treat deleting Homepage-web.com hijackers as tantamount to removing Trojans or other threatening software from your PC. Restart your PC and tap F8 to access the menu for advanced startup options, afterward selecting Safe Mode. From Safe Mode, any qualified anti-malware product should be able to scan your PC and delete all but the most sophisticated threats, including a concealed Homepage-web.com hijacker.

Homepage-web.com hijackers are, for now, specific to the Firefox browser, with no compatibility with other Web browsers.
