Home Malware Programs Trojans Trojan.Startpage.AK


Posted: August 29, 2014

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 0
First Seen: December 17, 2012
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan.Startpage.AK is a dangerous computer Trojan horse infection that could conduct several unwanted actions when installed. Usually the installation of Trojan.Startpage.AK will take place due to visiting a malicious source on the internet and downloading questionable files or programs. When loaded up, Trojan.Startpage.AK may then run in the background where it remains undetected for long periods of time. Eventually, Trojan.Startpage.AK may open up access to the infected computer so that remote hackers may gain entry and steal personal information that leads to issues like identity theft of accessing online accounts. It is very important to never allow Trojan.Startpage.AK to run wild. Removal of Trojan.Startpage.AK may be done automatically through use of an updated antispyware application.


Trojan.Win32.StartPage [Ikarus]Trojan/Win32.StartPage [AhnLab-V3]Mal/Generic-L [Sophos]TR/Drop.Agent.mhe [AntiVir]Trojan.StartPage.22540 [DrWeb]UnclassifiedMalware [Comodo]Trojan.Win32.StartPage.dcr [Kaspersky]Win32:Trojan-gen [Avast]W32/MalwareF.LOYG [F-Prot]Trojan [K7AntiVirus]Generic StartPage!ci [McAfee]Trojan.Agent.IRC [CAT-QuickHeal]

Technical Details

File System Modifications

Tutorials: If you wish to learn how to remove malware components manually, you can read the tutorials on how to find malware, kill unwanted processes, remove malicious DLLs and delete other harmful files. Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

The following files were created in the system:

msngserv.exe File name: msngserv.exe
Size: 47.1 KB (47104 bytes)
MD5: 731f313680af50f9375243fb5a7f8079
Detection count: 84
File type: Executable File
Mime Type: unknown/exe
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: April 23, 2013
a2fe2dcd2149e2644cfd9b1030729335 File name: a2fe2dcd2149e2644cfd9b1030729335
Size: 135.58 KB (135587 bytes)
MD5: a2fe2dcd2149e2644cfd9b1030729335
Detection count: 62
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 5, 2013
ce18153c0e5a3912efce652d5635788b File name: ce18153c0e5a3912efce652d5635788b
Size: 138.1 KB (138107 bytes)
MD5: ce18153c0e5a3912efce652d5635788b
Detection count: 61
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 5, 2013
a17944d2fa99b3ed50bd69c69425837f File name: a17944d2fa99b3ed50bd69c69425837f
Size: 137 KB (137007 bytes)
MD5: a17944d2fa99b3ed50bd69c69425837f
Detection count: 60
Group: Malware file
Last Updated: March 5, 2013