Home Phishing 1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response Email

1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response Email

Posted: April 2, 2009

"1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response" email is a classic phishing email. What is phishing, you ask? Well, in the field of computer security, phishing is the criminal fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

This "1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response" email tells you to log into your Facebook account and confirm a friend request. The catch? This "1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response" email links to a scam webpage that attempts to trick you into giving con artists your Facebook login information.

If you log into the site this "1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response" email links you to, you will give con artists and cyber-thieves access to your Facebook, and a chance to steal your personal identity. You may need to close your bank and credit card accounts and alert Facebook if you have already fallen victim to this horrible scam.

Whenever you see an email like this "1 of Friends Awaiting your Response" email, never click any links. Instead, type Facebook.com into a fresh browser window, and login from there. The email generally reads as follows:

"From: Facebook
Subject: 1 of Friends Awaiting Your Response
You haven't been back to Facebook recently. You have received notifications while you were gone.
1 friend request
The Facebook Team

To login to Facebook, follow the link below:
