Home Malware Programs Ransomware Crying Ransomware

Crying Ransomware

Posted: May 31, 2017

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 10/10
Infected PCs: 72
First Seen: May 31, 2017
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The list of low-quality crypto-threats based on the HiddenTear project continues to increase, and the latest addition to it is the Crying Ransomware, a poorly crafted threat that aims to lock files and then demand a 0.05 Bitcoin ransom sum from each victim. As usual, the Crying Ransomware's attack will target a large list of file extensions, and victims of this crypto-threat are likely to end up losing access to their documents, images, archives, databases, and other commonly used files. Once the Crying Ransomware's encryption routine is finished successfully, the threat will display the ransom message in a new program window titled 'Crying.' However, due to a bug in the code, the window might not always stay open, and that's why the authors leave a second ransom message in the file 'READ_IT.txt.' This text file does not contain much information, and it just instructs users to continue to open the 'Crying' application until it works.

Once the executable file is launched successfully, users will be provided with the full contents of the ransom note. The attackers warn them that their data has been encrypted securely and any attempts to decrypt it for free are bound to fail. They also promise the victims that their data will be restored as soon as they send 0.05 BTC to the Bitcoin wallet seen in the ransom message. Thankfully, victims of the Crying Ransomware will not need to pay the small ransom sum to get their data back, because HiddenTear-based file-encryption Trojans use a flawed AES key generation algorithm, which has allowed malware experts to develop a free decryptor that works with all HiddenTear variants, including the Crying Ransomware.

'Your're Files have been encrypted.
Please read the program to learn how to decrypt your files.
if the program won't open so you can read it. You can start the program again and again until it opens the form with the information displayed.'

However, before attempting to recover any of their files, victims of the Crying Ransomware must not forget that their main priority should be to make sure that the threat will not be able to inflict any more damage to their files. This can be ensured by running a reputable anti-malware utility, which will eliminate the corrupted files, and prevent the Crying Ransomware from encrypting other data. When this step is completed successfully, it is time to download and use a free HiddenTear decryptor to extract the decryption key and proceed with the file decryption process.
