Home Malware Programs Trojans Enterprise Trojan

Enterprise Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 84
First Seen: July 24, 2009
Last Seen: November 2, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Enterprise is a Trojan that provides an unauthorized user with remote control over your system. Enterpise makes it possible to capture your personal information as Enterprise may upload, download, and delete your personal files. Your computer's stability and security may further decrease as Enterprise chats with its server, locks up your computer, or shuts down or reboots Windows. Other symptoms of Enterprise may include your CD-rom opening and closing, your mouse shutting off, and your monitor's colors changing. Even though this malicious application isn't able to perform any destructive action, its main activity is always a threat for the user's privacy and the user's computer stability. Enterprise Trojan provides the anonymous hacker with a remote access to the infected machine, and, as a result of this, gives him or her an ability of performing many actions, such as stealing user's passwords or deleting critical files.


Heuristic.BehavesLike.Win32.Suspicious.M [McAfee-GW-Edition]

Technical Details

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

File name without pathsinker.exe

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