Home Malware Programs Ransomware FBI Screenlocker

FBI Screenlocker

Posted: January 14, 2021

FBI Screenlocker is a threatening piece of software that might give you a great scare because of its messages' misleading contents. This software may reach your computer via a fake download, bogus email attachments, or a shady application you downloaded from the Internet. When the FBI Screenlocker is executed on an unprotected computer, it may hide the desktop with an overlay immediately, which says that the computer has been locked. According to the screen locker, the users have violated several laws (like selling drugs and propagating fascism) and they have been fined $150. The message claims to come from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but you can rest assured that this is not true.

The FBI Screenlocker finishes the messages by telling the victims that they can unlock their computers by purchasing $150 worth of Bitcoin and sending it to the wallet seen in the lock screen. The con artists behind the FBI Screenlocker also supply the email bilock@prtoonmail.com for contact.

We assure you that the FBI Screenlocker has nothing to do with any law enforcement agencies, and it is a terrible joke made by evil-minded cybercriminals. If this threat has taken over your system, you should use a reputable anti-malware application to get rid of it immediately.
