Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Gis.driveropen.net


Posted: December 9, 2013

Gis.driveropen.net is an advertising site that's been classified as unsafe for its frequent delivery of threat-related content. Because Gis.driveropen.net often is related to the pop-up advertising features of any number of adware add-ons, individual Gis.driveropen.net advertisements may not always be threatening. However, for the safety of your computer, malware researchers recommend avoiding interaction or contact with Gis.driveropen.net or third party affiliates of the site. A Gis.driveropen.net pop-up always should be considered a symptom of threatening or undesirable programs whose installation should be overseen by appropriate anti-malware software or an expert in PC security.

The Dangers that Gis.driveropen.net Drives Up to Your Browser

While Gis.driveropen.net may seem all but identical to many other advertising-distributing websites, Gis.driveropen.net's history leaves little doubt that Gis.driveropen.net either is a deliberate infection vector or a site with such lax security on its advertisements that you're more likely to be infected through Gis.driveropen.net than view its advertisements safely. Since experts in malware research still are examining the payloads being distributed through Gis.driveropen.net, the consequences of Gis.driveropen.net pop-ups still are somewhat debatable. However, fake system cleaners, rogue security programs and Police Trojans are some of the common types of threats delivered through fraudulent advertisement sites, all of which often include functions for locking Windows or blocking necessary security products.

While they can be delivered through normal channels like sites hosting default advertisement banners, you're most likely to encounter Gis.driveropen.net from the pop-up attacks and other functions of adware. Bettersurf, Passwidget, Outobox, Whilokii, Pup.shoptowin and BetterDeals Ads are some typical examples of adware that may use Gis.driveropen.net, among many other domains, to launch unwanted advertisements. Free software sites that distribute software unaffiliated with any single company are more likely than most other sites to install this type of adware, usually attached to the installers of unrelated software.

Mapping Your Way for a Drive Off from Gis.driveropen.net

Dealing with Gis.driveropen.net advertising is likely to cause your PC to be afflicted by more than one type of damaging software, and, as always, it's a good habit to assume that contact with an official infection vector like Gis.driveropen.net may cause threat infections – even when you don't see signs of attacks. Disabling scripts often used to deliver compromised advertisements can provide a basic defense against potential attacks through Gis.driveropen.net, but Gis.driveropen.net adware has a history of ignoring some advertisement-blocking features. Regardless of the risks, prevention still is the easiest tactic for dealing with Gis.driveropen.net adware through avoiding sites that could bundle Gis.driveropen.net with their downloads.

If it's too late to stop a Gis.driveropen.net advertisement from loading, you should follow the next logical step and use anti-malware utilities to scan your PC for threats. Although many advertisement-distributed forms of threats are known for their heavy symptoms, Trojans also sometimes are installed through hostile advertisements and are just as harmful, despite their low visibility. The advice of malware experts always is to act as if your PC may have been attacked whenever it has a brush with Gis.driveropen.net or other threatening sites until good anti-malware tools can determine its presence for sure.
