Home Malware Programs Vulnerability KRACK Vulnerability

KRACK Vulnerability

Posted: April 11, 2019

The KRACK Vulnerability is a security flaw that impacts WPA2-using Wi-Fi devices in an environment-agnostic manner, meaning that it can affect Windows, Linux, OS X, etc. It gives threat actors access to the network for data-collecting and monitoring and may include facilitating the forgery of fake or corrupted Web traffic. Users with WPA2 Wi-Fi should install all security updates for their devices, which will remove the risk of an attack.

The Sound of Your Network Safety 'Kracking'

No matter how widely in use it may be, any software platform or protocol has room for an unchecked vulnerability that its developers either underestimated the accessibility of or never thought of existing. This warning is particularly appropriate for the KRACK Vulnerability, which affects WPA2-using Wi-Fi devices. At the time of its discovery and initial publication of the experimental attack results, the KRACK Vulnerability was an abusable attack vector for all modern-standard Wi-Fi networks.

The KRACK Vulnerability is an abbreviation of 'Key Reinstallation Attack,' which targets WPA2's four-way handshake for authenticating the legitimacy of both the Wi-Fi access point and the client. Variants of the KRACK Vulnerability are also functional against WPA and AES standards. Anything using the WPA2 iteration of Wi-Fi, from a desktop computer to an IoT or Internet-of-Things-device, is at risk from the attack.

Besides giving the remote attacker access to the network, it provides for possible packet injection, which could facilitate forgeries of traffic. Password changes will not provide any improved defense against the KRACK Vulnerability, and the operating system type isn't relevant for protective purposes. The most significant weakness that malware analysts could confirm with the KRACK Vulnerability is its requirement for the attacker's staying in Wi-Fi distance; the attack can't occur at long-range, such as over the Internet.

Patching Up WPA2 Wi-Fi's Cracks

Just as a homeowner might patch up a crack in a wall, the appropriate response to a KRACK Vulnerability is another kind of patch: updating the relevant firmware for your Wi-Fi device. Since most vendors received alerts to the risk in Augusts of 2017, at the latest, most devices should have security fixes available for preventing any attacks using the KRACK Vulnerability. Users should remember that at-risk systems include more than just computers or phones, but all systems with Wi-Fi features that are still using WPA2 instead of the newer WPA3.

The implications behind the KRACK Vulnerability's range weakness, also, bear stressing. Malware experts recommend paying closer attention to network security and credential usage in areas that are more likely of being frequented by strangers in Wi-Fi range, such as a restaurant's Wi-Fi hotspot or an Internet cafe. Such locations are more likely sources of attacks than residences or private business properties, in most cases.

Remembering your updates is one good way of keeping the KRACK Vulnerability off of your Wi-Fi radar of threats. However, even just taking an actual look around you isn't discountable – since even software-exploiting criminals can, sometimes, need a physical presence on the premises.
