Home Malware Programs Ransomware Kuntzware Ransomware

Kuntzware Ransomware

Posted: June 27, 2017

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 10/10
Infected PCs: 95
First Seen: June 27, 2017
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Kuntzware Ransomware is a Trojan that may block the screen or lock your files with encryption until you pay a ransom for the removal of its attacks. Although this Trojan is being developed and not fully functional, users should regard it as a danger to their security and any saved data until proven otherwise. Recovery options like backups can help you restore any files, and most anti-malware products can remove the Kuntzware Ransomware or block it from installing.

Partially-Built Trojans with Aims of Scraping the Clouds

While threat actors usually don't try to reinvent the wheel, sometimes, a default family of threatening software, like Hidden Tear or EDA2, doesn't provide everything that they need. When a more protracted development cycle results, it can be invaluable to identify samples of the work-in-progress, such as the still-incomplete Kuntzware Ransomware. Although not in a state to implement its payload successfully, this Trojan does offer a view of what its author wants: encrypted files with network support to hold for ransom money.

The Kuntzware Ransomware seems to be using the AES-256 as its cipher of choice for locking the files of its victims. Although such a choice would be extremely standard for a file-encoding Trojan, its author also is supporting the Kuntzware Ransomware's attack with potentially advanced networking features, which it could use to target cloud-based storage or offload the encryption routine to a remote server. The Trojan also adds the 'kuntzware' extension to the names of any media it locks, which provides the infection with a unique brand identity.

The Kuntzware Ransomware also carries with it configurable ransoming options, such as a variable time limit or payment amount, and conveys its extortion message through a pop-up. Its threat actor appears to be intending to use the window as a 'screen-locker,' or an object to block the desktop until the victim agrees to pay. Related functions also may monitor the PC's system resources, including RAM and CPU percentages, although the Trojan's purpose for doing so is unknown.

The Trouble with Getting Fifty Percent of a Trojan Attack

The Kuntzware Ransomware is unfinished and will self-terminate with a generic Windows error upon being run. However, partially-made Trojans like the Kuntzware Ransomware retain high potential for harm, especially since they may encrypt content with a truly irreversible cipher or omit essential details for recovering the locked files. In many, but not all file-encrypting infections, malware experts can point towards freeware decryption solutions. Other than that, victims should use backups in safe locations, such as a detachable USB device, to keep their files from harm.

Threat actors running file-encrypting Trojan campaigns may install the Kuntzware Ransomware on your PC in different ways, including:

  • Brute-forcing software can let con artists break remote login credentials, particularly for common or simplistic passwords.
  • Targeted spam e-mails, often formatted to imitate authentic content like a delivery notice, can include either the Kuntzware Ransomware or a secondary threat, such as a corrupted macro, that could install it.
  • Web-based threats like the RIG Exploit Kit also retain prominence as delivery mechanisms for file-encrypting Trojans of various families.

Whether this Trojan's development finishes or not, users should protect their PCs with conventional anti-malware products and strategies. Always scan your entire computer when removing the Kuntzware Ransomware, which is unlikely to be in circulation without some assistance from other vulnerabilities or threatening software. Note that decryption is a separate feature not included with traditional anti-malware programs and requires additional, specialized programs.

For many victims, whether the con artist attacking their computers has a good work ethic or not is a moot point. Unfinished threats like the Kuntzware Ransomware are no less threatening for being incomplete, although catching it ahead of schedule does give the public some forewarning about the new dangers of the cloud technology.
