Home Malware Programs Ransomware Politie Office Central Ransomware

Politie Office Central Ransomware

Posted: May 21, 2013

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 2/10
Infected PCs: 86
First Seen: May 21, 2013
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Politie Office Central Ransomware Screenshot 1The Politie Office Central Ransomware is a Police Trojan that displays inaccurate criminal warnings towards residents of Belgium (as detected through the IP addresses of their computers). Like all Police Trojans, the Politie Office Central Ransomware claims to be installed to prevent you from using your computer for crimes such as downloading illegal media content, but actually only exists to extort money to transfer to criminals. Since the Politie Office Central Ransomware's fake warning also coincides with an effort to block most other Windows programs, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers encourage using good anti-malware products and strategies for disabling and finally, removing the Politie Office Central Ransomware with all due safety.

The Politie Office Central Ransomware: the Next Page in this Chapter of Europe's Ransomware Saga

Europe has long been known to be one of the most popular regions for afflicting with campaigns of Police Ransomware attacks, with the Politie Office Central Ransomware just one of the newest examples in a long line of them. The Politie Office Central Ransomware is targeted at Belgium, and claims to be authorized on behalf of that nation's police, similar to other Belgian Police Trojans like 'Votre ordinateur est bloqué' Belgium Ransomware, some variants of the International Police Association (I.P.A.) Virus and the POLITIE Belgique Police Fédérale Virus. Like all of these Police Trojans, Politie Office Central Ransomware detects your country through your PC's IP address and proceeds with displaying a fake legal warning that's specific to Belgium. SpywareRemove.com malware experts note that this pop-up is identical to a normal browser pop-up, with the exception of its covering your entire desktop and failing to display any kind of border controls that could be used to close the Politie Office Central Ransomware.

The Politie Office Central Ransomware claims to have blocked your computer as a penalization for any number of online crimes, particularly crimes related to viewing copyright-protected content, but the Politie Office Central Ransomware does so regardless of your computer's actual Internet history. Even though the Politie Office Central Ransomware requests a hundred Euro fine, SpywareRemove.com malware experts strongly urge you not to pay the Politie Office Central Ransomware's fine, which does not help fund any law enforcement activities and has no ability to help you get rid of the Politie Office Central Ransomware – either its pop-up or its indiscriminate system lockdown.

Putting the Big Chill on Politie Office Central Ransomware's System Freeze

Typical to the strategies of most Police Trojans, Politie Office Central Ransomware will try to block you from using other applications, supposedly until you give in and make the requested Euro transfer. Rather than spending your money on a fraudulent solution to a Politie Office Central Ransomware infection, SpywareRemove.com malware analysts suggest finding means of disabling the Politie Office Central Ransomware and its pop-up, such as the often-helpful Safe Mode feature or booting from a clean USB device.

As soon as you can launch other applications as per the norm, you should remove the Politie Office Central Ransomware with a qualified anti-malware product that's designed to be able to delete all components of high-level PC threats, including system-locking Police Trojans. Politie Office Central Ransomware does not include its own distribution functions and, as a result, may have the support of other Trojans that install the Politie Office Central Ransomware or have the possibility of harming your PC's security in additional ways. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers note that Police Trojans like the Politie Office Central Ransomware usually are installed through browser exploits that are handled by way of general exploit kits (such as the thoroughly-covered Blackhole Exploit Kit).

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Politie Office Central
Attention! Votre ordinateur est bloqué à cause d’un ou de plusieurs motifs indiqués ci-dessous.
Vous avez violé la loi <> (Vidéo, Musique, Logiciel) et vous avez illégalement servi et/ou diffuse le contenu protégé par le droit d’auteur, de ce fait vouz avez violé l’article 128 du Code penal de la Belgique. […]
La some de l’amende fait 100€.
2Polity Central Office
Caution! Your computer is blocked due to one or more reasons listed below.
You violated the law <> (Video, Music, Software) and you have illegally used and / or distributed content protected by copyright, therefore content Watchlist You have violated Article 128 of the Criminal Code of Belgium. [...]
The sum of the fine is € 100.
