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Restoreserver Ransomware

Posted: November 9, 2020

The Restoreserver Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that's part of the Scarab Ransomware family, which targets English and Russian-speaking victims. The Restoreserver Ransomware blocks most media files on the PC and overwrites their names and destroys local backups. Backups on secure systems or storage drives, and anti-malware tools for removing the Restoreserver Ransomware, are useful in most infection scenarios.

Server Restoration at a Mysterious Price

File-locker Trojans from the dual-language family of Scarab Ransomware are a regular outcropping on poorly-secured servers and networks. Through variants like the Scarab-Bomber Ransomware, the Scarab-Osk Ransomware, the Scarry Ransomware, or the politically-inspired Trump Ransomware, they effectively turn data into hostages while awaiting rewarding paydays from the files' owners. Even the Restoreserver Ransomware, the new member, makes its demographics as straightforward as possible, although that might not help the afflicted.

The Restoreserver Ransomware uses its family's traditional encryption routine for blocking files on the PC, which keeps documents and similarly-valuable media from opening. This feature is secure from third-party solutions and holds the content as hostages until the victim pays a fine, which the threat actor elaborates on in a ransom note. Another symptom characteristic of the Scarab Ransomware (and few other families) is that the Restoreserver Ransomware rearranges the file's name with Base64-style encoding and appends an extension ('restoreserver').

While the Restoreserver Ransomware's extension makes it evident that it's campaigning against unsecured business servers, malware experts can't confirm infection vectors. Threat actors may distribute the Restoreserver Ransomware by tricking workers into opening e-mail attachments, as one example. A second potential entryway is the hijacking RDP with brute-force attacks for getting past password requirements.

As is a tradition among its family, the Restoreserver Ransomware reveals nothing upfront of its cost. Threat actors may ask for differing ransoms, depending on the victim's means, from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars.

Server Security as an Alternative to Ransoms

Server administrators have multiple courses to strengthen their server's security and prevent the Restoreserver Ransomware attacks from taking place. Although the same recommendations apply equally to most Windows users, malware experts find that small or unprotected businesses are at particularly significant risk from Ransomware-as-a-Services like the Restoreserver Ransomware's family. Accordingly, they should secure backups of their data, in addition to other precautions.

Users may prevent attacks through:

  • Choosing complex passwords that attackers can't brute-force
  • Installing vulnerability-removing software updates
  • Not leaving RDP features open to the internet
  • Being scrupulous about their downloads, including e-mail attachments and torrents

Decryption utilities tend to be unavailable for most Ransomware-as-a-Service families, including the Scarab Ransomware. Users also may expect the deletion of their local backups during most file-locker Trojan infections. However, most professional PC security services will quickly delete the Restoreserver Ransomware as a threat and stop any chance of an encryption attack.

The Restoreserver Ransomware makes its targets self-evident but whether they do anything with the knowledge is up in the air. An admin who doesn't protect their charge is asking for consequences, and when the dealer of them is a Trojan, the cost can be unfairly expensive.
