Boxer Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Boxet Trojan is a very simple, but still extremely dangerous spyware. Boxer acts by logging user's keystrokes, writing them into a special log file and sending this file to the hacker. Such files usually contain a lot of private information, such as passwords or confidential messages. With the help of this pest the hacker can easily break into user's Internet accounts. The following files were created in the system:

Abaxo Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Abaxo Trojan is a specific stealer, which acts by pretending being Bingo form. The main aim of this pest is trying to fool the user of infected PC and make him or her enter private information. After this happens, Abaxo sends this data to the specified e-mail address. The following files were created in the system:

Redro Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Redro Trojan is a small spyware, which acts by performing slight registry changes and trying to remove many files. Due to several bugs in its code, Redro can sometimes be unable to remove critical computer files and folders, but there's no guarantee that this won't happen. The following files were created in the system:

Vardo Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Vardo Trojan is a malicious spyware, which has one specific aim. This aim consists of totally disabling Reliable AntiVirus application. This is easily achieved by closing every window, which belongs to the main process of this antiviral software . The following files were created in the system:

Tabi Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Tabi Trojan is a malicious spyware, which usually infects the computer as a macro from many Microsoft Word documents. If a user runs this macro, it tries to connect to specified Web server and download another pest from there. In case of successful download, this new pest infects the computer and starts performing its destructive activities, such as damaging critical computer components or changing settings. The following files were created in the system:

DieHard Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
DieHard is a malicious trojan, which was written in Visual Basic Scripting language. Once this pest infects the computer, it drops the 'dieharddrive.bat' file and executes it. If this new file is executed successfully, it formats the hard drive of the infected machine. The format of hard disk always result in the loss of all data. The following files were created in the system:

Mumuboy Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Mumuboy is a dangerous parasitic trojan, which acts by stealing many pieces of confidential data from the infected machine. For example, this pest can easily steal user's passwords and logins; once this happens, Mumuboy Trojan sends this private information to this pest's author, who becomes able to use these passwords freely. The following files were created in the system:

Cuydoc Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
This specific spyware is only able to damage Spanish Windows. IT acts by creating its copy onto A: disk and deleting many files from 'C:Mis Documentos'. Although no other destructive actions can be performed, this pest is still extremely dangerous and should be removed from the infected computer as soon as possible. The following files were created in the system:

Kalshi Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Klashi Trojan is a dangerous tool, which is often being used by spammers for sending many Spam letters. This spyware usually infects the computer together with other pests, which help Kalshi to stay invisible and hard to detect. Every PC, which is infected with this pest, performs a set of unwanted actions, which result in sending a lot of Spam letters to many addresses. The following files were created in the system:

Winex Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Winex Trojan is a malicious spyware, which is always able to paralyse user's activity by performing a set of destructive actions. This pest changes several computer settings and writes itself into the registry; this technique makes operating computer shutdown on every start-up. The user of infected computer can get rid of this effect only after starting Windows in Safe Mode and removing Winex manually or with the help of antiviral software. The following files were created in the...

Loome Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Loome is a dangerous parasitic trojan, which performs several actions; these actions are quite harmful and are a potent threat for the stability of infected machine. Loome Trojan kills the 'explorer.exe' process in order to drop the infected DLL-file. The following files were created in the system:


Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
QQMess is an annoying spyware, which acts by infecting QQ instant messenger. The main effect of this pest's activities is adding many text strings to outgoing messages . What is more, the hacker is able to send many commands for opening different Web pages in Internet Explorer. The following files were created in the system:

Retsam Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Retsam Trojan is a malicious password stealer, which specializes in logging user's keystrokes from active softwares and sending them to the anonymous hacker. What is more, Retsam is also able to perform a set of annoying actions, such as changing Internet Explorer's start page. The following files were created in the system:

Obsorb Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Obsorb Trojan acts in a similar way to how Winex Trojan works. This pest writes itself into computer registry and runs itself on every start-up. This means that the infected computer will never be able to start until it is started in Safe Mode. Obsorb Trojan will not perform its destructive activities in case Windows isn't installed in 'C:Windows' folder. The following files were created in the system:

Noex Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Noex Trojan is a malicious spyware, which usually sneaks into the computer from many suspicious Internet resources and tries to start its destructive actions. These actions consist of modifying registry settings, so that computer becomes unable to execute EXE-files. This technique is tremendously dangerous, that's why careful attitude towards such pests is always recommended. The following files were created in the system:

Androv Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Androv trojan is a malicious spyware, which was written in Russia. This pest usually infects the computer from IRC , after its user accepts suspicious DCC file transfer proposal. After this happens, the remote hacker gets an ability of stealing private pieces of data from the infected PC. The following files were created in the system:

Naldem Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Naldem is a powerful tool, which is being often used by many hackers. With the help of this trojan, anyone can try to steal many pieces of confidential data from the infected computer. What is more, Naldem can turn victim's PC into spamming tool; this means the infected computer will be used for sending unsolicited e-mail messages. The following files were created in the system:

Rumaz Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Rumaz is a dangerous and destructive trojan, which acts by damaging servers' activities. This spyware searches for PHP-files and simply overwrites them with a copy of itself. This technique is extremely dangerous for those servers, which are not protected with good antiviral software. The following files were created in the system:

Bedrill Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Bedrill Trojan is a dangerous spamming tool, which usually sneaks into the victim's PC from many suspicious Internet resources or simply as an attachment from unknown e-mail letters. Once its main file is run on a specific PC, Bedrill starts performing many changes in computer's settings. This technique makes the computer send a lot of Spam letters. What is more, Bedrill connects to the Internet from time to time for getting instructions about Spam's content. The following files...

Simcss Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Simcss Trojan is a dangerous killer of antiviral applications. This pest acts by terminating processes of several most common antiviral computers; what is more, this spyware updates itself from the Internet regularly. This method makes it even more dangerous and, as a result of this, puts the infected PC in great danger of being infected with many viruses. The following files were created in the system: