NullBot Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
NullBot is a dangerous mIRC trojan, which usually sneaks into the computer after a careless use accepts suspicious DCC file transfer proposal. If this happens, NullBot Trojan gives the anonymous hacker a partial access to the infected machine. This means the hacker gets an ability of performing a wide variety of actions, such as stealing user's confidential data or damaging key computer components. The following files were created in the system:

Avid Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Avid Trojan is a malicious password stealer, which specializes in searching for AOL passwords, stored on the infected machine, and sending them to the anonymous address. Once the hacker gets this stolen information, he or she becomes able to use these passwords for many purposes freely. The following files were created in the system:

DiskFil Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
DiskFil Trojan is very annoying spyware, which often leads to the loss of user's productivity and other negative effects. This pest acts by making copies of several files and filling the hard disk with these copies. This procedure ends only when the disk is full. The following files were created in the system:

Ortyc Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Ortyc Trojan usually infects the computer as an e-mail message with a greeting card. This message asks the user to download a special 'plugin', which is actually a trojan itself. Once the infected file is run on a target machine, it changes its browser settings so that it opens several pop-ups when the user tries to open specific Web pages. The following files were created in the system:

Zasil Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Zasil Trojan is a malicious pest, which is often being used for many hacker for finding out victim's IP and host names. Once this trojan is run, it mines this data and sends it right to the hacker; this anonymous hacker then becomes able to use this information for his or her further destructive actions. The following files were created in the system:

Houpe Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Hope Trojan is a specific stealer, which specializes in stealing QQ passwords. Once this pest is run on a target PC, it starts logging user's keystrokes and, in case an attempt of entering password is detected, steals his or her password and writes it into special log-file . With the help of this pest's activities the hacker can easily get many ICQ accounts. The following files were created in the system:

Pet Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Pet Trojan is a malicious spyware, which was designed for stealing private information. Once this pest is run on the target PC, it writes itself into computer registry and starts searching for pieces of data, such as passwords, logins or confidential messages. After that, Pet Trojan writes everything into one file and sends it to the hacker. The following files were created in the system:

DelPart Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
DelPart Trojan is a dangerous spyware, which usually sneaks into the computer from many Internet resources and tries to perform its destructive activities. These consist of modifying the disk partition information and, as a result of this, making computer completely unusable. In order to start the infected PC, the user should restore the partition manually or simply repartition the hard drive. The following files were created in the system:

Winsck Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Winsck Trojan is a very versatile spyware, which is able to steal different pieces of confidential data and send them to the anonymous hacker. The stolen information can consist of: many messengers' passwords, Web logins, dial-up passwords, etc. After Winsck Trojan sends this information to the hacker, he or she becomes able to use these passwords for destructive purposes. The following files were created in the system:

Kill98 Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
This malicious spyware is a very specific trojan, which was usually a part of illegal Windows 98 computers. Kill98 waits for the date to change to the year 2000 and, right after that happens, removes all files from the hard disk. Even though the year 2000 has already passed, there still can be incorrect date and time settings on several PCs, that's why this trojan is still able to produce its brutal damage. The following files were created in the system:

Darkgoose Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Darkgoose is an extremely dangerous trojan, which can remove all files from the infected PC's hard disk. This spyware acts by creating an abracadabra.bat file and running it. This batch-file searches for all files in critical folders and removes them. In case of success, the computer will become totally unusable and many important data will be lost. The following files were created in the system:

THG Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
THG Trojan is a very versatile and dangerous password stealer, which has also several other destructive actions available to it. THG Trojan acts by writing itself into computer registry and deleting several critically important files , which could help the user to get rid of this infection. After this happens, spyware starts logging user's keystrokes and stealing many pieces of confidential data, such as ICQ logins or Internet access passwords. The following files were created in...

DcP Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
This pest is quite a simple, but still tremendously destructive Trojan horse. DcP Trojan acts by overwriting firs 255 sectors of every drive; this technique always results in the loss of all data stored on these disks. In order to protect your PC form losing its data, you should always keep your antiviral software updated and fully functional. The following files were created in the system:

Readme Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Readme Trojan is a malicious annoying pest, which usually tries to fool inexperienced users by pretending a ReadMe text file. After a careless user runs the infected file, Readme Trojan starts creating many folders in different places; this pest also puts a '' file into each folder. Although this pest's technique isn't extremely dangerous for the stability of infected computer, it still is really annoying, that's why this spyware should always be removed as soon as possible....

Cile Downloader

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Cile is a malicious spyware, which specializes in infecting victim's PC with different viruses and trojans. This can be easily achieved after this dangerous downloader connects to the specified Web server; in case of success, Cile can easily download viruses and infect the PC with them. This technique is tremendously dangerous, because being infected with such spywares can usually result in different troubles or even make the computer totally unusable. The following files were...

Unblock Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
This pest claims to be a MSN unblocker, which is able to remove your MSN account from another user's list. Unblock Trojan asks the user to enter his or her MSN login and password. After this happens, this pest sends this information to the hacker, who can use it for many purposes. The following files were created in the system:

Dasmin Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Dasmin Trojan is quite a harmless pest, which acts only by connecting to the specified Web server. This technique allows the owner of this trojan to have his site's counter incremented. Even though no serious consequences can occur on the infected PC, it is still advisable to get rid of Dasmin Trojan. The following files were created in the system:


Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
KKiller is a very dangerous spyware, which isn't able to produce damage by itself, but is always able to help other spywares. KKill acts by killing many processes, which belong to antiviral applications and firewalls. This technique leaves the infected computer totally defenceless against viruses. What is more, KKiller also uses some specific algorithms for writing itself into computer registry; this means that even after computer restart this pest will be killing processes. The...

Ivanet Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Ivanet Trojan is a malicious spyware, which usually tries to sneak into the computer by pretending being an AVI-file. If this happens, this pest starts making its copies onto the A: and C: disks. Right after that, Ivanet starts performing different harmful actions, which usually result in computer instability and the loss of important data. The following files were created in the system:

Snag Trojan

Posted: March 28, 2006 | Category: Trojans
Snag Trojan is a malicious spyware, which has a specific aim of stealing CD-Keys for several popular games, such as 'Unreal Tournament 2003' or 'Black & White'. In case such games are found, Snag steals their information and sends it to the anonymous hacker. The following files were created in the system: