Jest Ransomware

Posted: April 3, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Jest Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that's a close relative of the FunFact Ransomware. The presence of this threat is surmisable through symptoms like non-opening media (documents and other recreational or work content), deleted Windows backups, and pop-up ransom warnings with timers. Users should have a backup as a precaution for full data recovery and may use their anti-malware services for removing the Jest Ransomware in safety. The FunFact Ransomware is a several-old Trojan...

Sekhmet Ransomware

Posted: April 2, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Sekhmet Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that can keep documents and other media on your PC from opening. Other symptoms of infections include random extensions on your files' names and a text note recommending negotiating a ransom through a TOR website. Mythological themes aren't strange to file-locking Trojans, as readers might know from the old attacks of the Hermes837 Ransomware , the Minotaur Ransomware , the RagnarokCry Ransomware , or the Apophis Ransomware . However, a...

Wanna Decrypt0r 4.0 Ransomware

Posted: April 1, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
Even three years after the WannaCry Ransomware outbreak, cybercriminals continue to try to piggyback on the popularity of this virus – the latest copycat is called Wanna Decrypt0r 4.0 Ransomware, and it tries to pretend to be an upgraded variant of the infamous WannaCry Ransomware. The good news is that its claims are fake, and there is not much in common between these two threats apart from the fact that they both encrypt the files on the victim's computer. The good news is that the Wanna...

Taargo Ransomware

Posted: April 1, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Taargo Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan from the Globe Imposter Ransomware family. Users exposed to this threat may be incapable of opening their files, media like documents, particularly, and see ransom notes as local Web pages (HTML). Because its encryption routine is secure currently, users require safely-stored backups for recovering any content, as well as anti-malware products for uninstalling the Taargo Ransomware safely. While some threats, like the CoronaVirus Ransomware...

Protect Ransomware

Posted: March 31, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Protect Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan from the Hydra Ransomware family. The Protect Ransomware can block files with attacks that encrypt their data and change their extensions, with media like documents being at high risk. Users should back their files up safely for recovery needs and let a trusted anti-malware product remove the Protect Ransomware as soon as possible. The multi-headed reptilian beast of Greek myth, the hydra, is getting a more prominent role in the threat...

Math Ransomware

Posted: March 31, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Math Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that's a variant of the Jigsaw Ransomware. Trojans of this origin are notable for both blocking files with encryption and deleting them in large quantities, under various trigger conditions. Users should have a favored anti-malware product remove the Math Ransomware immediately and recover from any available backups. The J igsaw Ransomware is one of the most notorious families of file-locking Trojans, despite being nowhere near as...

VHD Ransomware

Posted: March 24, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The VHD Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan without any known family, although its ransom message resembles some similar threats in circulation. The VHD Ransomware can endanger your files by blocking them with encryption that may not be reversible, along with related symptoms and attacks. Users having a safely-segregated backup is critical for recovering dependably, although most anti-malware programs encounter minimal problems with blocking or removing the VHD Ransomware. A file-locking...

Netwalker Ransomware

Posted: March 23, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Netwalker Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that encrypts your PC's media before delivering a demand for a ransom in exchange for giving victims the unlocking service. The Trojan is an update of its immediate predecessor, the Mailto Ransomware , and may use Coronavirus-themed e-mails for infecting victims. Users can maintain standard safety guidelines for interacting with e-mail attachments, have their anti-malware products delete the Netwalker Ransomware, and keep backups for...

ProLock Ransomware

Posted: March 19, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The ProLock Ransomware is a piece of ransomware utilizing PowerShell commands to plant malware straight into system memory. The ProLock Ransomware appends the '.ProLock' extension to each encrypted file. The encryption process ends with the generation of a ransom note — a text file called 'HOW TO RECOVER FILES].txt.' The note contains instructions about the required ransom amount, as well as the infection in particular. The victims’ files are encrypted with an RSA-2048 algorithm, which used...

Ekans Ransomware

Posted: March 19, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The EKANS Ransomware is a new ransomware strain attacking most of all the industrial control systems (ICS) of large-scale enterprises such as refineries, power plants and factories. Unlike earlier ransomware attacks, which targeted one or more PCs within the entire system, the EKANS Ransomware aims to bring down 64 specific software processes, which are crucial to the proper functioning of the entire ICS. Once this goal is complete, the EKANS Ransomware goes on to encrypt all the data it...

R44s Ransomware

Posted: March 19, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The R44s Ransomware is a newly discovered variant of the Ranion Ransomware. Ransomware like R44s, encrypts its victim's data and demands a ransom payment in exchange for a decryption key. Due to the secure cipher algorithm that the R44s Ransomware employs, any data encrypted by it may be lost. The R44s Ransomware is being distributed in a several ways. One of the most common tactics for distributing file-encoding viruses such as R44s is through spam emails containing corrupted attachments,...

NEFILIM Ransomware

Posted: March 18, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The NEFILIM Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that's independent of any known family or Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). Installations may use digital certificates as part of their disguises while sabotaging the user's media files by encrypting them. Users should always save backups appropriately for recovering and let their preferred anti-malware products contain or delete the NEFILIM Ransomware on sight. Russia is the possible origin of another file-locking Trojan's campaign, but with a...

Odveta Ransomware

Posted: March 18, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Odveta Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan based on the KingOuroboros Ransomware. The Odveta Ransomware can keep your files from opening by encrypting them and is noted for targeting vulnerable networks through remote admin features. Users can protect themselves through securing RDP, patching vulnerabilities, and using strong passwords while having their anti-malware services delete the KingOuroboros Ransomware as soon as possible after detection. A file-locker Trojan with...

CovidLock Ransomware

Posted: March 17, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The CovidLock Ransomware is a screen-locking Trojan that blocks Android devices by forcing a password change and displays an extortionist pop-up. The CovidLock Ransomware circulates through fake Coronavirus-tracking applications on fraudulent websites. Users should curate their downloads carefully for potential risks, let anti-malware tools remove the CovidLock Ransomware and similar threats as appropriate, and use the publicly-known key for unlocking their devices. While the COVID-19...

Remk Ransomware

Posted: March 17, 2020 | Category: Ransomware
The Remk Ransomware is a file-locking Trojan that comes from the STOP Ransomware family, a Ransomware-as-a-Service. Once on your computer, the Trojan will try to lock files by encrypting their data and ransoms the unlocking utility through its messages to the victim. Users may remove the Remk Ransomware with proper anti-malware tools safely but also should save backups regularly for recovering anything encrypted. Temporary Files Delivering Permanent Problems Since the early days of the...
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